Accepting new clients
Center Full Name Little Flower FertilityCare
Center Primary Email
Center Primary Phone Number (337) 581-9192
Location Maurice, Louisiana 70555 USA
Mailing Address PO Box 606,
Maurice, Louisiana 70555 USA
Languages English
Hours of operation By Appointment Only
Payment Options
  • Personal Check
  • PayPal
  • Venmo
  • Self-pay

Introductory Session---$75
Introductory Materials--$25
Picture Dictionary (required for virtual/long distance clients)-$25
Standard Follow-Up Session (up to 60 min)-$50
Modified Follow-Up Session (30 min or less)-$30
Extended Follow-Up Session 60-75 min-$65
Extended Follow-Up Session 75-90 min-$75
Additional charts-$5
Stamp packet-$5
Individual stamp sheets-$0.50

Special Fee Notes:

There is a $35.00 fee for returned checks.

When paying with PayPal, there will be a fee charged in accordance with PayPal's current fee guideline.

When paying with Venmo, there will be a fee charged in accordance with Venmo's current fee guideline.

Postage fees will apply to any materials that are mailed.

24-hour minimum notification is required to change or cancel a follow-up appointment. Otherwise, a $25.00 fee shall be assessed.

*Full fee will be charged for missed appointments without notification.*

Hardship applications available for low-income and students.

About the Center

Welcome to Little Flower FertilityCare! My name is Lisa Morvant. I am a Registered Nurse and a Certified Creighton FertilityCare Practitioner–which is really just a funny way of saying that I teach the Creighton Model System!

After experiencing a conversion in my faith many years ago, my husband and I were on the search for a natural method of family planning. Since we are both nurses, it was important to us to find a method that is deeply rooted in research and science. As we did some investigation, we were impressed to find the decades of research involved in the creation of the Creighton Model System (CRMS).

The CRMS is a fertility appreciation method. It involves the observation, tracking, and charting of biomarkers including cervical mucus, bleeding patterns, the length of the cycle and pre- and post-ovulatory phases. This system is applicable to ALL women across their reproductive lives. Whether a woman has regular or irregular cycles, is breastfeeding or premenopausal, or struggles with other conditions such as PCOS or infertility, she can effectively utilize CRMS to monitor and evaluate her reproductive and gynecologic health.

It is a true method of family planning as the system can be used either to achieve or avoid pregnancy. Published results of five different centers revealed that the method effectiveness of the CRMS to avoid pregnancy is 99.5% and the typical use-effectiveness to avoid pregnancy is 96.8%.

Once I began charting with the system, I discovered its medical component called NaProTECHNOLOGY (NaPro). Established in 1991, NaPro is the medical science developed based on the research of the biological markers noted in Creighton charting. NaPro seeks to evaluate and determine the CAUSE of reproductive and gynecologic issues and treat the underlying condition without disrupting fertility. This system is helpful to all women, including teenagers, who are experiencing gynecological conditions such as hormonal imbalance, ovarian cysts, miscarriage, PMS, abnormal bleeding, and more. When abnormalities are identified in the biomarkers of charting, the client is referred to an appropriate NaPro medical provider for evaluation and treatment. A list of certified NaPro medical consultants can be found at

This new technology provides new hope to married couples experiencing infertility. When couples with infertility use the CRMS alone, the pregnancy success rate is 20-40 %. When the system is used in conjunction with NaPro, the success rates are up to 80% in couples experiencing infertility*. *success rates will vary depending upon medical conditions.

As a nurse and a woman I wondered–how had I never heard of this authentic women’s healthcare? Having worked in emergency services for the majority of my nursing career, I often cared for women who were at the end of their rope with persistent symptoms. These women were desperately seeking a diagnosis and answers to their suffering only to be offered band aid approaches like hormonal contraception. After learning about NaPro, I shared it with a close friend who had been experiencing infertility for 7 years with previous failed treatments. Following NaPro evaluation and treatment, including NaPro surgery for endometriosis, my friend became pregnant and delivered a beautiful baby girl. I knew then that women deserved better healthcare. I was on a mission to educate!

So, here I am teaching the Creighton Model System since 2018! While I work with women and married couples across the spectrum of their fertility, my passion is rooted in authentic women’s healthcare found in NaPro. I love teaching women about their bodies and empowering them with the knowledge they need to make fully informed medical decisions and advocate for themselves. Having battled chronic illness myself since I was young, I relate well to those suffering through chronic conditions.

I am eager to teach this method and answer any questions. All of my instruction is provided virtually; therefore, I am able to serve women across the country! Please email me at for any questions or inquiries.

Center Staff