Accepting new clients
Center Full Name St. Peters FertilityCare Services
Center Primary Email
Center Primary Phone Number (636) 926-7850
Location St. Peters, Missouri 63376
Mailing Address PO Box 1884,
St. Peters, Missouri 63376
Languages English
Hours of operation Mon-Thurs.: 12:00 PM-8:30 PM CT
Saturday: 10:00 AM-2:00 PM CT
Intro Session by appointment
Additional Links
Responsible Practitioner Susan Gloss, BS, CFCP
Payment Options
  • Cash
  • Personal Check
  • Self-pay

The Introductory Session is $40 for a group session. The private Introductory Session is $50. (In person or Virtual)

First 2 Classes + Materials = $170
Subsequent 2 Classes = $70
Virtual Learning = $75 one-time fee to cover additional materials and postage

In-Person Pre-Paid: $345 includes 8 Follow-Up Classes and Materials

Full program requires 8 classes over 12 months.

About the Center

Are you looking for someone who is caring and who will journey with you to sort out your brown bleeding, irregular, or painful cycles? Is breastfeeding and spacing childbirth your goal? Do you struggle with PMS? Overwhelm? Irritability? PCOS? Or Infertility, or wanting to rule out infertility? The experienced practitioner is passionate about Creighton Model. The goal is to help you understand your times of fertility/infertility and uncover potential health situations. Additionally, FertilityCare also provides a natural method for couples interested in avoiding/achieving children. Please let me coach you, let me help you advocate for your health, and find the answers and you are looking for!

St. Peters FertilityCare Services offers Creighton Model Method virtually, in person, or a combination of the two. (Meet in person for two Follow-ups, and others intermittently, virtually.) It is located in St. Charles County, Missouri.

Complete Program: Eight private Follow-Up Classes over 12 months.

*Flexibility. Classes are scheduled at a mutually agreeable time.

Center Staff