2024 Winners' Showcase
Shannon Tumelty, FCPI
FertilityCare Services: Diocese of Charleston, SC
Janelle Florendo, CFCP
FertilityCare Center of Omaha
Sue Elser, CFCP
Cedar of Lebanon FertilityCare Center
Marise Frangie
2023 Winners' Showcase
FertilityCare Services: Diocese of Charleston, SC
The Center celebrated throughout the entire month of March. Their goal was to promote awareness of CrMS and NaPro to clergy, healthcare professionals, women, and couples. They accomplished this with in-person events and webinars with topics such as Wonder of Eve, Sacramentality of Marriage, and HOPE Story followed by a Q&A. They also had a NaPro success story in their Diocesan magazine. View the article here.
FertilityCare Guate/Centro SJPII
In addition to announcing the week on Radio Maria Guatemala during the program “Parents with Talent,” they celebrated by having three live talks with specialists in CrMS and NaPro. These were announced on Instagram and Tik Tok reaching an average of 160 people and totaling around 700 views.
FertilityCare Center of Omaha
The Center celebrated Worldwide FertilityCare Week with a Mass at Saint Paul VI Institute chapel. Their annual recruitment brunch was held during the week. They also sent out a mass email about WWFCW.
In addition, Jeanice Vinduska, CFCE and Dr. Teresa Hilgers, CFCMC, FCP were interviewed about the celebration on KVSS Spirit Morning radio. Listen to the interview here.
Genesis FertilityCare Center (Brazil)
A joint effort was created by several Centers in Brazil. They celebrated with webinars on Theology of the Body and SPICE. They initiated an online marketing campaign on Instagram. See @cmrsbrasil on Instagram. They also released a creative video in which many Practitioners highlighted key passages of the Client Booklet. Enjoy the video:
CLIPE FCW 23 FULL.mp4 (embed)
We would like to acknowledge the other Centers that participated in WWFCW:
- FertilityCare Center of Fort Worth
- Natural Fruit FertilityCare Services
- Cedar of Lebanon FertilityCare Center
- Gianna FertilityCare Services
- Steubenville FertilityCare Center
Your Center could be featured here in our 2024 Winners’ Showcase!
Watch for more about WWFCW 2025 in the near future!